Ffordd Parc Bodnant Estate Traffic Survey

I have recently been contacted by a number of residents living on the Ffordd Parc Bodnant estate who are concerned about the volume of traffic passing through and parking in the estate during times of school pick-up and drop-off.

I am aware of issues including driveways being blocked, narrowed passing points, footpaths being restricted for pedestrians, difficulty in getting in and out of the estate during peak times, and dangerous driving. I am keen to gather the views of all residents living in the vicinity, in order for me to make effective representations on your behalf.

Please complete the survey on this page, which will enable me to get a better understanding of the concerns. I will then work with the council and the school to identify potential solutions that may mitigate the problems moving forward. I look forward to hearing your views

Ffordd Parc Bodnant Estate Traffic Survey

  • Current Traffic Issues on the Ffordd Parc Bodnant Estate
  • Your details
Have you experienced issues with the volume of traffic on the estate?
If yes, what are the main issues you have experienced?