I have received contact from constituents living alongside the railway line in relation to the vegetation overgrowth and stagnant water on railway land. I know this has had a negative impact on many residents who live in the vicinity.
I have raised all concerns with Network Rail and in response they have attended the site several times and removed volumes of plant material and cleared the ditch.
The Maintenance Protection Coordinator for the area has agreed to conduct regular site visits throughout the year to assess any work that needs to take place, this is on top of the two mandatory vegetation cutbacks per year.
Following the completion of this work and increased site visit schedule, I am yet to receive any further complaints.
However, should residents have any ongoing concerns, Network Rail have said they would be happy to investigate and have requested photographs showing the areas of concern. This will enable the team to prioritise their work and resolve the most serious issues first.
In order to submit photographs, please email: [email protected] directly or report any concerns via the helpline at https://www.networkrail.co.uk/communities/contact-us/.
Alternatively, should you prefer to send photos or raise a concern via my office, I would be happy to submit these on your behalf.