Wales in Bloom

There is cause for celebration in Prestatyn with the town having scooped yet another gold award in the annual Wales in Bloom contest. 

Judge John Woods visited the town in July and was given a whistlestop tour of both Prestatyn and Meliden by chair of the Prestatyn in Bloom Committee and Vale of Clwyd MP, Dr James Davies, along with other committee members.

In his report, Mr Woods awards the town gold in the ‘large towns’ category and reveals it was up against tough competition. 

He also praises the improvements that have been made in the town since he last visited nine years ago.   

His report states: 

“It was a pleasure to return to Prestatyn as a judge after an interlude of some nine years. The town has improved immensely since my previous visit, and it was very encouraging to meet so many enthusiastic people of all ages who are making such a positive contribution to the life of the town. 

“It is not every day that a Wales in Bloom Judge gets to meet a Roman soldier; a Mermaid; as well as visiting a hedgehog hospital!”

He described Prestatyn as “a very strong entry” and congratulated everyone involved. 

The results were announced at an Awards Ceremony in Talgarth.    

Commenting afterwards, Chair of Prestatyn in Bloom, Dr James Davies MP, said: 

“To have been awarded Gold yet again is a fantastic achievement and testament to the hard work of the committee members, many volunteers, Denbighshire County Council staff and Prestatyn Town Council contractors.”

Wales in Bloom is a regional event that falls under Britain in Bloom, organised each year by the Royal Horticultural Society and designed to encourage community spirit and pride. It used to be primarily a floral competition, but now it is much more community-orientated, and judges look at a variety of things, including litter, signage, graffiti and flyposting, woodlands and much more.

James added: 

“As the judge said in his report, attention to detail is the key to success in this contest and I thank everyone involved for going above and beyond to ensure that every detail was attended to in Prestatyn.

“I am very pleased that the judge recognised the “widespread community involvement in the entry” and was impressed with the work of Friends of the Ffrith, Environmentally Prestatyn, Friends of Prestatyn Station and the Friends of Coronation Gardens for “adding positively to both the marketing and enjoyment of its facilities by both residents and visitors alike”.

“The year-long work that goes into our entry certainly does ensure that Prestatyn is a nicer place for residents to live and people to visit. 

“We have certainly set the bar high now though. The hard work must continue so that we can retain our title in 2023!”  

Chairman of Wales in Bloom, Peter Barton-Price said: 

“Our Award Ceremony 2022 in Talgarth was this year a reflective celebration.  Whilst remembering the passing of Her Majesty the Queen it was also a reminder that life is also an achievement.  

“It was, therefore, decided that the Ceremony should go ahead to recognise the hard work, commitment and dedication of all our `It's Your Neighbourhood' groups and Wales in Bloom entries.”  

Prestatyn and Meliden were also judged in the summer for the Britain in Bloom contest, the results of which will be announced in October.